K8S is no longer a buzz word, it’s a reality and main agenda for most web , saas and even embedded software companies. In our 4 part seminars we target the most critical and most required K8S architecture, use cases and uptodate technology.
We start in K8S BASIC with the most basics parts of K8S objects and control plane and diving into the depths of utilizing K8S as your multi-tier microservices application backbone, from theory to best practices, how to plan and deploy a microservices architecture in K8S, migrating from Monolith to microservices design, utilizing API Gateways and ingress controllers, along with deploying and packaging with Helm and Kustomize following delivery using ARGOCD in K8S ADVANCED
From there we proceed to cover RBAC, Operators ,Monitoring and log shipping using ECK (Elastic Cloud K8S), ISTIO and CNI along with managing the multicloud K8S environment using RANCHER and automating installation using KOPS and KUBEADM and terraform in K8S ADVANCED FOR OPERATION
All of our materials are constantly being refactored , expanded and improved. We make sure to update and add more materials in order to keep providing the most relevant and updated information based on new releases from K8S and main cloud vendor providers.
Each student will work on a dedicated K8S Cluster hosted on AWS for the length of each session along with an option to provide off session labs and environments to practice
We are committed to 60/40 hands on labs / theory split in each session!